Using Company Bank Accounts

payroll can store unlimited bank accounts from which any salaries and wages, super contributions or other payments are paid. The next set of information required is the company bank details. You can add multiple accounts if required.

Editing the Company Bank Accounts:

  1. From the navigator go to Company | Maintain company.
  2. Select the Company Bank node on the left.
  3. Click the Add New button to begin adding a new company bank account, or double click an existing account to edit it. Enter the details of the company accounts in the pop-up window.
  4. Complete the following information as required:
Field Name Explanation
Bank State Branch Enter the BSB number which uniquely identifies the bank and branch of your company bank account. If you have entered a valid BSB, the bank and branch will display, otherwise click unknown to create a BSB.
Account No. Enter the company bank account number from which salary, wages and other remittances will be paid.
Account Name Enter the company bank account name as it is registered with the bank.
Lodge Ref. Enter the default lodgement reference which will appear the company bank statements. This can be overridden on individual accounts if required.
EFT Id. Enter the EFT ID which has been supplied by the bank. This is a mandatory field, required by the bank for processing EFT transactions.
Self Balance Check this box if you want to generate a self-balancing EFT file.


Once created, you cannot delete a bank account, however you can overwrite it with details of a different account if required.